Dodge Viper ACR Fails to Set Lap Record in Nurburgring Return

Sam McEachern
by Sam McEachern

The independent team that was looking to set a lap record with the Viper ACR at the Nurburgring returned to the 12.9-mile circuit this week, but track conditions prevented them from making big improvements to their lap time.

The attempt was part of a crowd-funded effort to bring two of the American supercars to Germany, along with a support crew, and break or at least come close to the Lamborghini Huracan Performante’s 6:52.01 lap. With support from Tomball, Texas dealer Viper Exchange and tire supplier Kumho, the team flew over to Germany earlier in the summer and managed to lay down an impressive lap time of 7:03.45. They had planned on improving on the time when they returned to Germany with their two Extreme Aero packaged-equipped Vipers this week, but tough track conditions crushed those hopes.

SEE ALSO: Watch the Dodge Viper ACR Devour the Nurburgring in 7:03.45

With extremely sunny conditions warming the track to a balmy 111 degrees Fahrenheit, the ACR was eating through its tires. This made life hard on drivers Mario and Dominik Farnbacher, though they still managed to improve on their previous time with a lap of 7:03.23. It’s a minor improvement, but the team remains hopeful the car can break into the 6-minute and 50-second range when they return once more next week. The ACR may never prove to be as fast as the much more technologically advanced Huracan Performante, but we think it’s already shown that it can punch well above its weight.

[Source: Road & Track]

Sam McEachern
Sam McEachern

Sam McEachern holds a diploma in journalism from St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, and has been covering the automotive industry for over 5 years. He conducts reviews and writes AutoGuide's news content. He's a die-hard motorsports fan with a passion for performance cars of all sorts.

More by Sam McEachern

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2 of 4 comments
  • Frank Yoster Frank Yoster on Aug 25, 2017


  • Chris Daigle Chris Daigle on Aug 28, 2017

    I learned a long time ago, no matter how much time and money YOU have to build a car, someone else has more time and more money. The Viper is a very fast car, but the record time is getting close to the fastest a normal car can drive it. If you want to drive faster, it's going to have to be a dedicated car not suitable for street use, because it's just not driveable on the street. Good luck Viper, it's going to get even harder. Personally, that early lesson was enough for me. I just want an attractive, fun to drive lightweight car. Naturally aspirated for me. A nice free revving V8, thanks. How about a 1967 Mustang body in Aluminum with a modern drivetrain and comfort features found on modern cars. Or a much lighter car with a 6 or 4 cylinder?
