Lamborghini Took Three Huracans to the World's Best Driving Road

Sam McEachern
by Sam McEachern

When it’s the middle of summer in Europe and you have the keys to six Lamborghini Huracans, there’s really only one thing you can do: take a road trip to the world’s best driving road.

While the ‘World’s Best Driving Road’ distinction is certainly up for debate, the former Top Gear trio of Jeremy Clarkson, Richard Hammond and James May once bestowed it upon Romania’s Transfăgărășan pass on an episode of the program. They had previously dubbed Italy’s Stelvio pass as the best road for a spirited drive, but a short spin on the Transylvanian road was enough to change their minds.

Lamborghini recently took six Huracans on a trip to the Transfăgărășan pass – all of them rear-wheel drive examples. Both the Huracan RWD and Huracan RWD Spyder were present, along with the high-performance Huracan Performante. The seven-figure convoy departed from the city of Sibiu before entering the hairpin-filled road and ascending through the Fagaras Mountains. On their descent, they passed by the ruins of the castle of Vlad III – the real-life inspiration for the infamous Count Dracula character.

SEE ALSO: Watch the Lamborghini Huracan Performante Make a Grand Entrance

The Transfăgărășan pass was built between 1970 and 1974 at the behest of dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu, who wanted an easy way for Romanian troops to cross the mountains quickly in the event of a Soviet invasion. It’s only open from July through to September, so if you’re planning a road trip like the epic outing pictured here, be sure to plan it in the summertime.

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Sam McEachern
Sam McEachern

Sam McEachern holds a diploma in journalism from St. Clair College in Windsor, Ontario, and has been covering the automotive industry for over 5 years. He conducts reviews and writes AutoGuide's news content. He's a die-hard motorsports fan with a passion for performance cars of all sorts.

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